
“In the Midnight Zone” in Poetry Aotearoa Yearbook 2024 (March 2024, print)

“The Time of the Wetlands,” runner up in the Caselberg International Poetry Prize 2023, and “Fernbird | Mātātā” in Landfall 246 (Spring 2023, print)

“Scatterings” in a liminal gathering (Elixir & Star Press, 2023)

“Prospect of refuge,” “Blue-tide,” and “Tilting” in CUMULUS: An anthology of skies by Carlos Biggeman, edited by Kirstie McKinnon (Caselberg Press, 2023)

“The Other Beach” in takahē 108 (August 2023, online)

“Cold Fusion” in the New Zealand Listener (July 8–14 2023, print)

At the Point of Seeing (Otago University Press, 2023)

“Bell Curve,” “Pylon,” “Sandsmoke,” and “Swept Away” in Tarot 6 (June 2023, online)

“Round Hill” in Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2022 (March 2022, print)

“Crematorium” in Landfall 242 (Spring 2021, print)

“Mornington” was on display in the Dunedin City Library as a National Poetry Day 2021 poster. This poem was first published in the Otago Daily Times on 1 August 2020.

“Willow” in takahē 102 (August 2021, online). You can see me reading this poem here.

“Tilting” for CUMULUS: An Anthology of Skies on Love in the Time of COVID: A Chronicle of a Pandemic (1 May 2021, online)

“There is a Little Beach” for the Caselberg Trust (March 2021, online)

“Walking is Controlled Falling” in Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2021 (March 2021, print)

Contributor with 83 other poets to the collaborative poem “Striking the Pounamu” in takahē 100 (December 2020, print)

“Asymptote” and “Botanising” in takahē 99 (August 2020, print)

“A Bee Against a Window” in Landfall 239 (Autumn 2020, print)

“The horses” in takahē 95 (April 2019, print). Nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020.

“On Hume’s Table” in Landfall 236 (Spring 2018, print)

“Neighbours” in Otago Daily Times (25 November 2017, print)

“Listen as the World Turns” in The Frogmore Papers 89 (Spring 2017, print)

Photograph of tree bark.


English Studies: The State of the Discipline, Past, Present, and Future

An accessible and wide-ranging consideration of concerns facing English Studies in its surrounding context of the university and society.

Edited by Niall Gildea, Helena Goodwyn, Megan Kitching and Helen Tyson

The Genius in the Garden: Sacred Places and Cultivated Spaces in Literature (book chapter)

“When Universal Nature I Survey”: Philosophical Poetry before 1750 (book chapter)

Journal Articles

“The Solitary Animal: Professional Authorship and Persona in Goldsmith’s The Citizen of the World.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 24.4. (2012). Winner of the ECF Graduate Essay Contest.

“Ghosts Ships: Writing the Chimerical Past in Cilla McQueen’s Soundings.” Journal of New Zealand Literature 28 (2010). Winner of the JNZL Annual Prize.


Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, ed. by Patrick Manning and Daniel Rood, Archives of Natural History 45.2 (2018)

Elizabeth Yale, Sociable Knowledge: Natural History and the Nation in Early Modern Britain, Archives of Natural History 45.1 (2018)

Mary Colwell, John Muir: the Scotsman who Saved America’s Wild Places, Archives of Natural History 44.2 (2017).

Representing Place in British Literature and Culture, 1660–1830, edited by Evan Gottlieb and Juliet Shields, British Society for Literature and Science website.

​Michael Griffin, Enlightenment in Ruins: the Geographies of Oliver Goldsmith, Irish Studies Review 23.2 (2015).

More about my academic work and publications can be found here.